
Anyango (not her real name) lives in Kibera slums with her five siblings and an ailing mother. Anyango, the first born in her family has done odd jobs for a while now in-order to help the family put food on the table and also stay afloat despite the looming poverty. Hers is a case of living from hand to mouth.

On a daily basis she earns 2 dollars a day from her door to door laundry commonly referred to as ‘mama fua’. The 2 dollars affords her and family dinner for the day and breakfast for the following day. This has been the trend over the years. With the looming medical crisis, Anyango is wondering how she and her family will survive. How will her siblings eat and will she be able to take her mother to the most affordable healthcare within the slums? Most of the food kiosks around Kibera have been closed raising the prices of food in the slum.

Most households she has been visiting to do daily laundry have turned her back, the Government has introduced a curfew, she also needs to wash her hands regularly and use a hand sanitizer daily. Hand sanitizers are an expensive commodity for Anyango who cannot afford three meals a day, to her this is not a priority.

What will Anyango do if the Government declares a lockdown? Amid her sobs, she can only call to God for supernatural help.Anyango’s case represents just one case in over a million persons living in Kibera.

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Polycom Initiative to Curb Spread of covis-19 At Kibera

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Polycom Initiative to Curb Spread of covis-19 At Kibera


As the world grapples with the fight against Covid 19, Polycom Development Project has joined the fight at a community   level.  The current population in Kibera slums presents a looming danger for the locals should the pandemic strike the slum. According to the Ministry of Health in Kenya, as of March 30th Kenya has 50 confirmed cases with one death and over 2050 cases still yet to be tested and are under mandatory quarantine.

Polycom Development Project has stepped in to help the community. The Organization in its awareness creation set up a hand washing station outside the office. In this the Organization was able to educate a sample of the population on proper hand washing techniques as well as observing social distance among other World Health Organization directives.

The community Area Chief has placed an embargo on all the kiosk owners to have hand washing points in-front of their shops or face closure. It is however sad that most children are seen roaming around the slum oblivious of the dangers. Water a scarce commodity has presented a hug risk for the locals as social distancing and hygiene are not adhered to at the water collecting points. This is a race against time.

Join our course in any way as we stem the spread of Covid 19 among our people
