Protecting the rights and well being of every girl child

Empowering Women

We know that Kenya, and the world, would be a better place with more empowered women

Self Love

We believe that for a girl to succeed in life she must first appreciate herself

Sports Teamwork

 We believe that sport provides a place where girls can reach their potential and expand their ambitions


Our time is now!
Our Rights, Our Future


Helping Today. Helping Tomorrow

We focus on Community Driven Approach. We actively involve local women and girls in the design, implementation, and evaluation of our projects. We know they have solutions to the predicaments facing them.


Getting personally involved brings you closer to families and individuals in need, gives you firsthand experience and understanding of the conditions they are in.

Become a Volunteer

Polycom Girls has engaged actively young ladies within the slum to offer mentorship to our adolescent girls. The young ladies offer mentorship session to adolescent girls.


Develop your skills in different roles while making a difference in the community. With training programs that will benefit your career path and prepare you for any work environment.

Our Partners




Achieve Together

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat.

Volunteering at Polycom Development Project is an excellent opportunity to give back to your community, develop new skills, build relationships, enhance your resume, and experience personal fulfillment.




Goals Achieved




Education Is Power

A society where women (and girls) are empowered and contributing effectively to the development of their communities

completed program
program for this month
Honest + Transparent

Continuous Improvement

  • Integrity: We conduct business in a way that is honest, transparent, ethical and accountable
  • Empowerment: We empower women and girls to take control over their lives
  • Collaboration: We engage with other organizations, partners, stakeholders
  • Innovation: We embrace creativity, continuous improvement and change

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Become a Volunteer

Why We Need You

Make a difference

By volunteering at Polycom Development Project, you have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. You will be working with an organization that is committed to improving the lives of people in your community, and your efforts can help to create positive change.

Develop new skills

 Volunteering is an excellent way to develop new skills and gain experience in areas such as project management, fundraising, community outreach, and more. You can also develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership that are valuable in any career.

Build a network

Volunteering at Polycom Development Project allows you to meet new people and build relationships with like-minded individuals who share your passion for community development. These connections can be valuable for personal and professional growth.

Enhance your resume

Volunteering can also enhance your resume and make you more marketable to potential employers. It shows that you are committed to making a difference and have a range of skills and experiences that can be valuable in a professional setting.

Personal fulfillment

 Volunteering can be a deeply fulfilling experience that brings a sense of purpose and meaning to your life. Knowing that you have made a positive impact on the lives of others can be incredibly rewarding and can boost your overall sense of well-being.

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