
We Will not be Silenced by silence, shame, and victim-blaming in the fight to end femicide in Kenya. #EndFemicideKe

To our fellow Sisters and Allies,

It is with heavy hearts and unwavering determination that we join other women in Kenya  and come together as part of the Polycom Girls to address a grave issue plaguing our nation; femicide. The recent data from the UN Women paints a grim picture with over 500 of our sisters, daughters, and mothers have been taken from us since 2016, victims of senseless violence rooted in misogyny and patriarchal norms.

But we refuse to stay silent in the face of such tragedy. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the brave women who took to Nairobi streets in solidarity, demanding justice for those we have lost and a future where our daughters can walk freely without fear.

In our collective efforts through the #EndFemicideKe movement, we recognize that femicide is not just about isolated incidents of violence. It is a systemic issue deeply entrenched in our society, fueled by silence, shame, and victim-blaming. But we refuse to be silenced any longer.

In our preparatory meetings, Angelina from CREAW spoke truths that resonated deeply with us about  the complexities of emotions, mental health struggles, and societal pressures that push some to commit such atrocities.Some are committed by people who cannot deal with rejection. We know that change must come from within, addressing both individual and structural factors that perpetuate violence against women.

Our #EndFemicideKe movement amplifies the voices of those often marginalized including the intersex individuals, and those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Their stories matter, and their struggles must be acknowledged if we are to achieve true justice and equality for all.

We draw inspiration from the tireless efforts of feminist movements that came before us, challenging patriarchal norms and fighting for gender equality. We stand on their shoulders as we demand accountability from our leaders and push for legislative reforms that will hold perpetrators accountable.

But our work does not stop there. We demand concrete actions from our Kenyan government, especially the women in power who have stayed silent during these tragedies, demanding for the establishment of commissions to the improvement of data collection and the allocation of resources for prevention and support programs. We demand feminine representation and inclusion in all decision-making bodies, for we know that our voices matter and our experiences must be heard.

As we continue our fight against femicide, let us remember the power of solidarity and collective action. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with, and together, we will create a future where we as women and girls, together with our sisters, daughters, and mothers can live free from fear of untimely death in the name of femicide.

In solidarity with #EndFemicideKe,

The Polycom Girls Organization.