Women Economic Empowerment

A woman in charge of her economic future is a woman with power over her own life. If we can ensure women and girls have tangible control over their futures and wellbeing— that they no longer earn less money, have less power, or make fewer gains—we can help create a world where women, girls, men, and boys all have a chance to thrive.
Polycom Development is at the forefront in ensuring that women from Urban Informal settlements have access to credit facilities offered towards boosting their economic power.

The WEE project focuses on Capacity building girls and women and provision of mentorship on financial management and entrepreneurship to provide both financial literacy and financial support.
The WEE project also supports grassroots girls and women to link with locally available financial institutions (both government-led and non-governmental) and also to the affirmative action funds.
We have so far supported one women group to access an affirmative action fund. The group has used the credit by plowing it back into their existing business. We envision empowering over 200 women with business skills within this project.